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Showing posts from 2020

Click the sun, your way! Tips to shoot the best pictures of the sun | Extreme Photography

"Each new sunrise brings a lot of inspiration with it." Taking inspiration from the sun, let's start our photoshoot with the sun! I've always loved clicking pictures of the sun. Today, I've come up with some amazing tips and tricks to help you click awesome photos of the sun. Let's look at every idea one after another:- 1)Sunrise Shooting the sunrise isn't that difficult. The lighting during the sunrise is amazing to shoot brilliant photos. What we have to do is to fit the sun into a creative frame. Like me, you can easily find any natural frame in which the sun can fit. In the above picture, the sum seems to be hiding behind the piece of cloth. This picture is clicked during the early stages of sunrise when the sun is just above the horizon. You can take your time to find a frame until Mr Sun arrives! Now let's talk about the later stages of sunrise. The below-displayed picture is not as creative as the above one, but it

Wanna see the Height of Cuteness? Here's a photograph of a cute dog | Extreme Photography

Height of Cuteness! Pets are extremely cute and I'm sure that everyone will agree that. This is a picture of a cutie dog which is leaning along the fence. The feelings of the dog can be interpreted in two different ways. The first interpretation says that it is feeling happy and relaxed so it is enjoying the environment. But the second interpretation is exactly the opposite. It says that the dog is unhappy and is feeling caught and wants to get outside and live its life to the fullest like other dogs. Anyways, I can't do anything in this because if I were its owner, I would definitely allow it to get outside for some time but what I can do is to tell you that the second interpretation seems true and I want to request that we should not keep pets in a cage since they also want freedom.

Upcoming Beauty!

Upcoming Beauty! As you may be aware that I always love and admire nature. Now I've come up with a new image which is clicked before sunrise and this is a half-grown rose flower. I saw that the flower is partially grown and I was just stunned! Probably I loved the scene because I have always seen fully grown flower and had no idea about the beauty of a half-grown flower. I decided to click its picture and share it with you all. I hope you also fell in love with the beauty of an oncoming flower. If you liked this post, please let me know in the comment section so that I can get your feedback.

Hide - And - Seek?

Hide - And - Seek? We all know that the sun is the ultimate source of life. It's because of the sun's energy that we are alive. That's a fact that watching the sunrise is one of the best experiences in a person's life. I believe that those who daily watch the sun rising are really fortunate. I firmly believe that sunrise can fill our body with lots of energy which nothing else can. Displayed below is a picture clicked during sunrise and I have clicked it to share with you all and show the beauty that lies in the simplest of nature. From my house, in the initial stages of sunrise, the sun seems to hide behind a piece of cloth. It really makes one feel that the sun was actually hiding under that cloth and has finally decided to show itself to the whole world. In between the ground and the sky, it has to pass through the cloth and that's where I clicked the picture. We know that the sun doesn't rise or set, it appears to do so because of the rotation of the ear

Stay Home, Stay Safe!

Stay Home, Stay Safe As we all know that we are lockdown inside our homes due to the spread of coronavirus. We are all advised to take adequate precautions during quarantine and this is a picture of a bird which is hiding under the leaves. This image is a symbol for taking precautions at home as we can learn from the bird 'Precaution is better than Cure'. I strongly appeal to take adequate precautions and break the chain of coronavirus. More than 200 countries are affected by this virus. It is our moral duty to stay safe and keep our family safe. We can learn from this bird and start staying inside our homes.  I also want to thank the warriors of coronavirus who are our doctors, nurses, journalists, police officers and all those people who are risking their lives to protect us.

Welcome to Spring series

Spring is a season that is everyone's favourite. Each person waits for spring to come and even nature waits for spring to come so that it can grow new plants and flowers and fill the world with happiness. Spring is a season which is made by God to make us realise that he has something special for us. He just wants to tell us that if you have any problems in your lives, don't lose hope; autumn season sheds all the leaves of trees but spring makes a comeback and spreads happiness in the world. This photo-shoot is dedicated to the oncoming of the Spring Season. #spring#welcome_spring#happiness#favorite_season     Click Read More to view the full series.

Rain Aftereffects

Rain Aftereffects! Rain is also a very important part of nature and from child to mature person, every human being enjoys the rain. Yes, this is a fact that many tasks are postponed due to rain but we should also realise the fact that life is not all about work or money, its actually about living to the fullest. It's about having a sense of happiness and satisfaction. Rain is a natural process and it has an effect even after it is over. This picture is an attempt to capture the aftereffects that rain leaves in our lives. I just saw that water droplets were hanging from seeds and I decided to share the amazing view which I have witnessed. Please let me know in the comments you opinion about the monsoon season and I am also keen to know your amazing events that happened in your life which are related to rain.

Nature's Beauty

Nature's Beauty! Our mother nature is very beautiful and we always appreciate its beauty. As we all know, rose is believed to be 'The Flower Of Beauty' and that is actually true. Rose just fill a person's heart with its beauty and the person becomes satisfied from within. A sense of satisfaction is really important in one's life; it is as important as food, water or air because if a person is not satisfied with his/her life, then he/she cannot live happily. One important factor of satisfaction is that money cannot buy it. Actually, it is a fact that if there were a market which sold satisfaction, then it could sell some minutes of satisfaction for millions or maybe billion. With this illustration, we can understand that satisfaction in life is very, very important. If we learn to live a satisfying life, we actually learn to live.  Please let me know your views regarding satisfaction and my picture.

Wanna be friends?

Wanna be friends? The animal kingdom is also a crucial part of our world and we should always respect and care for them. Animals should not be poached for selfish human needs. Animals just want love from humans and it is our moral duty that we must provide that only thing they require from us. I have clicked this picture of a monkey during my visit to a hill station. Actually, in this photo, the monkey is holding the board but it can be imagined that the monkey is trying to shake hand with someone. In fact, maybe it is trying to find an opportunity to come closer but is hesitating to be friendly with humans because of their cruel behaviour which is carried on from centuries. Please let me know in the comment section what you think about my views regarding animals and I request you to play your roles efficiently in preserving the rich flora and fauna of our world because plants and animals make the earth a very special place to live in.

Simplicity is life

Simplicity is life! We have always heard about the quotation 'Simple Living, High Thinking', but we rarely understand its meaning. When we talk about flowers, then rose is a special one and marigold is simpler. but my point is that if we try to observe both these flowers or any other flower, we get to know one very important concept that 'Simplicity is life itself'. If we learn to appreciate the simpler things in life, we begin to feel happier. I want to convey the message that in our busy lifestyles, we should set aside some time from our work to appreciate the simpler things in life. Please comment to let me know your views about the importance of simplicity in life.  

Red Hot Sun!

 Red Hot Sun! This is a picture of the sun which has been captured during sunset. This is a beautiful representation of the concept that the sun is a 'Ball of Fire'. This picture can be visualised as the sun being a ball of iron and heated until it is red hot. If we see the sun during sunset or sunrise, our hearts are filled with its mesmerising look. I have attempted to capture that beauty which can be seen with the eyes in the camera lens. Obviously, we can't capture the beauty in the camera which can be captured in our eyes but we can at least try. I hope that you like the picture and please let me know your review about it in the comment section.