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Showing posts from February, 2020

Welcome to Spring series

Spring is a season that is everyone's favourite. Each person waits for spring to come and even nature waits for spring to come so that it can grow new plants and flowers and fill the world with happiness. Spring is a season which is made by God to make us realise that he has something special for us. He just wants to tell us that if you have any problems in your lives, don't lose hope; autumn season sheds all the leaves of trees but spring makes a comeback and spreads happiness in the world. This photo-shoot is dedicated to the oncoming of the Spring Season. #spring#welcome_spring#happiness#favorite_season     Click Read More to view the full series.

Rain Aftereffects

Rain Aftereffects! Rain is also a very important part of nature and from child to mature person, every human being enjoys the rain. Yes, this is a fact that many tasks are postponed due to rain but we should also realise the fact that life is not all about work or money, its actually about living to the fullest. It's about having a sense of happiness and satisfaction. Rain is a natural process and it has an effect even after it is over. This picture is an attempt to capture the aftereffects that rain leaves in our lives. I just saw that water droplets were hanging from seeds and I decided to share the amazing view which I have witnessed. Please let me know in the comments you opinion about the monsoon season and I am also keen to know your amazing events that happened in your life which are related to rain.

Nature's Beauty

Nature's Beauty! Our mother nature is very beautiful and we always appreciate its beauty. As we all know, rose is believed to be 'The Flower Of Beauty' and that is actually true. Rose just fill a person's heart with its beauty and the person becomes satisfied from within. A sense of satisfaction is really important in one's life; it is as important as food, water or air because if a person is not satisfied with his/her life, then he/she cannot live happily. One important factor of satisfaction is that money cannot buy it. Actually, it is a fact that if there were a market which sold satisfaction, then it could sell some minutes of satisfaction for millions or maybe billion. With this illustration, we can understand that satisfaction in life is very, very important. If we learn to live a satisfying life, we actually learn to live.  Please let me know your views regarding satisfaction and my picture.